Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Juice Recipe for ENERGY!
The days you're on the run and need a quick and easily digestible breakfast.

6 carrots
2 stalks celery

*Juicing is the absolute most efficient way to get your vital nutrients.  I'll be getting my own juicer for my birthday this month and i'm soooo excited!


  1. I have been way into health lately and am super interested in trying juicing like this... I am even thinking of becoming vegan for a while... I actually really want to work towards becoming a personal trainer as well as massage therapist. I am a much different person then I used to be... and it all started with becoming a massage therapist... thank you for your help when i was working toward that decision.

  2. you bet hon! i'm so proud of you. You should TOTALLY get into juicing too. Because even vegetables that you don't like and would never eat, taste good as juice.
