Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm always happy to hear from you.  If you have any video tutorial requests, or questions, please feel free to email me .
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Facebook-Joi Worwood

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

I normally start my day with a fresh juice.  I usually like carrot and apple.  It's a simple refreshing flavor and it's loaded with fiber.  
(5 or 6 carrots, one large fuji apple)

Then I do one (or sometimes both) of these 30 min Tae bo videos.  You'd be surprised how much they can make you sweat.  Or I'll go to a Hot Yoga class.

After I shower off my workout I'll use either my Sanitas lemon cream scrub, or Sanitas Milk and Honey cleanser.  I usually alternate. I'll use the lemon scrub about 3 times a week (because it REALLY gets in and exfoliates your skin so i don't like to use it every day).  And then I'll use the Milk and Honey the rest of the time.  
it's still good to give your skin a break, so if i didn't wear a lot of makeup that day I just rinse with warm water before bed and nothing more.

 I ALWAYS ALWAYS moisturize.  This one has been really good.  I really love the Sanitas topical C, but it's super expensive, like $50 for a 15 ml tube.  yeah :S
I also like Olay moisturizers, or if you follow my blog, you know that i sometimes just apply vaseline to my face before bed once a week.

***Let me know what moisturizers you like, because I've been kinda itching to mix things up a bit, i've been using this one for ages.
Anyway, it's off to work now! :)

Avocado Hair/Face Mask

Homemade Avocado Mask

1 ripe avocado
2 Tbls olive oil
1 Tbls honey

Mash all ingredients together in medium size bowl.  
Work through dry hair, wrap in plastic wrap and leave in for 20 minutes.  Rinse with small amount of as normal.

FACE: apply to entire face, let sit for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

eye POPPING makeup


I got these new contact lenses that are super popular in asia.  And i LOVE them.

disclaimer: you don't have to be of any particular race in order to wear these lenses or this makeup look.  These are fun for ANYONE. :D

Monday, February 18, 2013

Handy uses for Vaseline


I use Vaseline for pretty much everything!  There are like 100 different uses.  But these are just a few of the daily uses I enjoy.

  • Makeup remover (best for mascara)
  • Moisturizer
  • Body glow (apply to arms or cheek bones to give skin a natural glow)
  • Lip gloss
  • Itching cream
  • Soother (small cuts and scrapes)
  • Smudge Proofer (apply to nail beds after polish dries, to prevent from smudging)
  • chap-stick 
  • Lotion (especially knuckles and elbows)

Time to cleanse with juice

So after a weekend of lots of treats, constant eating out, and tons of Cadbury eggs :p  I'm in need of some major detoxing.   My plan is to drink only juices till mid afternoon to cleanse and boost my metabolism.  Then eat only fruits, vegetables, lean meats and rice for dinner.  This is normally what i make for two juices.  This is one of my favorite recipes, also i really enjoy any juice with oranges.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Breadless sub

Yummy Sandwich substitutes!
Take all your favorite sammy toppings minus the starchy bread and greasy mayo....and you're left with this great filling snack, and your energy, rather than feeling like taking a nap, the way sandwiches can.  (Because of the combination of bread and protein).
So today i was really craving all these things, but i wanted to make it light, since i did just come off my juice fast.  So i substituted bread for Kirkland whole grain crackers.  Presciutto (my fav deli meat ever!), sliced tomato, spinach, and Kirkland Lake Country cheese.  DEEEELiiiisssh! :P

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I'll be starting a juice fast now, so stay in touch for tips and updates of how it goes!

So as it turns out, a juice fast really does get a ton easier the longer you go.  Today was actually fun.  Because i'm feeling more energetic, the pounds are falling off, and i was actually craving....more JUICE!  Not food.  Crazy huh.  I won't lie, i love to eat and i miss food.  But the trick is to not let your mind wonder into that direction.  My body is now just craving what it needs...which are nutrients not found in burgers and fries ;)  It's a great feeling of FREEDOM!

OMG!!!  Just came up with this to satisfy my sugar craving.  MANGO PINEAPPLE BANANA SMOOTHIE!  Yes it's purely fresh juice, but the mango and banana give it a smoothie like texture.  I needed a little change from the thin consistency of my other juices.

1 Mango (ripe but slightly firm-i refrigerate mine) 
1 large banana
a little less than 1/4 pineapple (you can leave the skin and inner core if you want, but i think it gives the juice a weird after taste, so i remove them)

Something you may not know is that carrot juice is VERY sweet.  Not your candy and processed sugar kind of sweet.  But real, natural, healthy, refreshing sweet.  HOWEVER a juice made with bitter carrots is entirely the opposite!  Be sure that you always taste the carrots before you buy them! Again they won't taste like candy, but they should have a sweet juicy flavor.

That being said......
Carrot juice is just fine on it's own, but i like to add a little more for the extra nutrients and flavor.  The more that i put in my juices the more full i feel as well.

*5 carrots (just the tops cut off-no need to peel)
*1 apple 
(golden, fugi, gala your juice, i like to avoid the granny smiths for this juice)
*1 inch peeled ginger root

Run everything through the juicer, drink right away for best benefits.  ENJOY!

Kale and Apple is a perfect combination.
It is mildly sweet, has a vibrant green color (for those of you who have a hard time downing anything that doesn't look appetizing).
If it is still a little rich add ice cubes to dilute.

I've started to really like juices with garlic and tomatoes in them.  It gives a V8 taste.  I actually use only half a beet.  If you're new to juicing i wouldn't recommend this one quite yet.  It is pretty strong, and the mix of all the flavors might be a little hard on your stomach. 
For recipes if you're starting out, take a look at my entire "juice recipes" link.

If you're not really liking the vegetable juices, try juicing fewer ingredients.  
1) 5 carrots 1 peeled cucumber
2) 4 large tomatoes, handful parsley
3) 4 large tomatoes, handful spinach, 2 apples

* Since vegetables are more vital than fruits, these are some ways to consume more vegetables in a tastier way.

I like to start with fruit juice in the morning, and vegetables the rest of the day.
(It's best to consume fruits in the morning-it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day)
These are my favorites

Yoga tip

YOGA TIP!  I just learned from my yoga instructor today that after a pose that focuses on lengthening the spine, like the seated spinal twist for example (pose above) it's best to let that settle in after coming out of the pose.  For instance you might be tempted to lay on your back after this pose and bring your knees to your chest...or do something to sorta stretch everything out again.  DON'T  Because with these sort of poses what you're doing is training the spine to lengthen itself, and if you don't let it settle in on it's own your body will just jump back into it's regular routine.  So hold it out, and work it like a pro!

bridal reenactment

I never got the chance before my wedding to take some photos of just me in my wedding dress.  I figured why not just throw it back on and get some more use out of it?  
There's noting wrong feeling like a bride again!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Bronze&Gold tutorial

IT'S WARMING UP!  Put on some bronzer and gold

Valentine makeup

WORK THAT RED!  Poppin' red lipstick. 
Ever feel like red lipstick just washes you out?  Or that it clashes with your eye makeup? Or just doesn't seem to be the look for you?
Well here's a perfect contrast between eyes and lips for anyone. ENJOY